
fash'n'board (under development)

Fashion app where the users can have better control of their inspiration boards, saving both styling ideas and individual items in the store. fash'n'board is the place where social meets online shopping.

ft_printf (school project)

Recoding of the C library function printf including the conversions cspdiouxX and float. The program also manages the flags hh, h, ll, l, L, #, 0, -, +; as well as minimum field-width and precision.
The only authorised functions were: write, malloc, free, exit, and the ones from stdarg.

push_swap (school project)

A program to sort data on a stack using the lowest possible number of actions. It also includes a program to check if the integers are sorted correctly.

alum1 (school project)

A board game written in C inspired on Nim, with a simple AI capable to play with the user activetly trying to win. To generate the rows with matches, the program can take parameters from both text file and standard input.